South Africa burns ....
I've blogged before about the blatant and violent xenophobia that exists in South Africa against other black africans ..... resentment against malawians, mozambiqans and especially zimbabweans (not to mention congolese, nigerians, somalis etc) .... who are economic and political refugees in SA ...... who despite being from countries that sheltered and supported the ANC during the dark days of apartheid enduring bombs, assasinations and often full scale wars for their stance .... and despite the fact that most of South Africa's wealth is built on migrant labour in the mines etc .... are now not similarly welcomed .... resented for allegedly stealing jobs (foreigners do have a rather justified reputation for working harder) and ironically for crime (again see post in July for the ludicrousness of one of the world's most violent countries blaming crime issues on outsiders ....) .....The images coming out of Jozi this past few days eerily mirror old pictures from the late 80s when the township battles raged and the struggle against apartheid was at its peak .... Panzers storming into the townships .... shacks torched .... policemen engaged in running gun battles with mobs .... and collaborators or members of opposition parties (except now its foreigners) necklaced and burnt to death ..... the only difference this time around is that more of the policemen are black ....
The dream of the Rainbow Nation appears to be in tatters .... in a great Comment is Free piece in the Guardian yesterday - Sean Jacobs lists the hard truths ..... South Africa remains the most unequal country in the world .... for an increasingly youthful population (78% black), only 42 of every 100 South Africans have a job ..... 49% are deemed poor (with monthly household income below R2,400 or £170) ..... approx 15% are HIV positive ..... and despite all the country's wealth and infrastructure - 24% of homes have no electricity, 32 % no tap water, 69% no hot water supply, and R21 (£1.40) of every R100 (£6.80) they earn, they spend on food ..... emanicipation from white rule has not brought with it emancipation from poverty ....
Of course - its no justification for the mindless and terrible violence and for the nasty racism underlying it .... many countries are poorer yet remain peaceful (e.g. Malawi) .... but it is true that in the 14-15 years since the ANC came to power .... only a small black elite has become incredibly rich and powerful ..... and although a black middle class is emerging .... the new regime has mostly failed to deliver for its own people and grassroots ....Yet it is inconceivable that the south african people (well the blacks at any rate) will vote against the ANC .... Cosatu the labour union has always been critical of Mbeki ... and there are internal ANC rifts especially surrounding Zuma .... but the recent revolt by the Durban port workers aside ..... the poor and the desperate of South Africa won't revolt against its own party of revolution and independence .... and instead the anger is directed against foreigners .... and now we hear reports that Indians (brought to SA as indentured labourers generations ago) - are also being targetted .... a worrying sign and one we've seen with tragic consequences in other parts of Africa in the past ....
There is of course a progressive liberal South Africa - with a constitution based on UN Charter of Human Rights (including enshrining gay rights - the only African nation to do so) ..... but perhaps a society that was built on difference and brutalised for it will remain brutal for a long time yet to come ....
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