Tuesday, July 03, 2007

The NHS - the New Al Quaeda Cell?

Hospitals breed Hate? Who would have thought those NHS corridors could precipitate such violence? Is North Stafford Hospital a secret terrorist training camp?

Unsurprisingly there's much rabid vitriol from conservative yanks about Drs and their potential links to terrorism .... but whats clear is that being a medic is a brilliant cover if you want to set up a sleeper cell ... but - also scarily that even clever, capable and importantly well-paid (well at least averagely paid) individuals can become so radicalised .... and some perfunctory googling shows that Al Quaeda is apparently no stranger to killer-Drs .... which (and it pains me to admit this) is a slap in the face for those of us champagne socialists who protested against the "war" claiming that aid not bombs were what we needed .... the logic that no one who could read shakespeare (much less grays anatomy) or had access to immunisations would want to blow themselves up seems perhaps a little naive now ....

All of the above is obviously now a painful kick to the groin of foreign doctors either already in the country or knocking on the door of Fortress Britain/struggling with PLAB etc .... and its played right into the hands of all the fascist-anti-immigration-klan-BNP offshoots who want to be rid of us darkies all together (i can just hear the refusals to be seen by a muslim doctor starting already ...) .... the next question will be could the UK cope without all its foreign Drs? Although I suppose MakingMedicineCrap might be easier next year .... now that's a thought .... maybe that was their motivation - has anyone pursued links with MTAS? Medical Terrorists At your Service?

But really - doctors? I'm now thinking back to my class at medical school .... and just wondering - perhaps that one did look a bit dodgy ...

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