Sunday, June 25, 2006

A genius in the rough ....

In the process of setting up this blog ... i read loads and loads of others .... and i know that blogs are all a bit old hat now .... and most are dreadfully egotistical .... and all too few are even interesting .... but then you come across an absolute corker ....

I can't take credit for really knowing this guy .... he's a friend of a friend of shashank's .... and i've met him just once .... but i find myself shamelessly looking forward to his new posts ....

"In high school, I did not have a fancy car. While most kids were rocking new Mercedes and BMWs, I got an 1980 4 door Volvo. My crew and I used to “roll” down Old Pasadena in this clunker. Because I did not have a CD player, my boy would bring his boombox in the car, and we would rock that. Take a second and just imagine 4 dorky Indians with fresh fades rolling in this clunker. Our night would end typically when the batteries ran out. I wish I was kidding, but it is a true story."

You can't learn to write like that .... he's a natural .... Shashank is right - someone needs to get him a book deal .....


terence said...

i concur wholeheartedly. g's accounts are hilarious, and i wait for his next posts.

yat said...

don't know the guy? didn't we all spend an entire weekend together in DC over labor day???

Shashank said...

yat, you remember that weekend?

yat said...

the only things i remember from the wknd are that we ate some sort of mutant half cupcake-half muffin dessert, that yat likes his bloody marys spicy, and that i paid like a $200 bar tab for your asshole friends

bhargavi said...

and for that gained a life-long fan in me ....

terence said...

does G even know he got called out here??

bhargavi said...

no - this was just my anonymous groupie-ness

terence said...

well...from reading his blog, we can deduce that he needs the ego-boost. thanks for looking out for him bhargavi.

bhargavi said...

Poor Gaurav .... maybe he should try a "Roxanne" approach .... the boy is an urban poet ...