Canadia - The Land of Niceness
So despite the terrorists trying really really hard to stop me .... i finally managed to arrive in toronto on saturday night ... albeit several hours late .... but despite having been travelling for almost two days without a break .... like the trooper i am ... i still managed to go out for late drinks with my lovely friend Jay's fiancee (the very lovely and beautiful Bindee) .... just to acclimatise of course you understand ...
And so i was introduced to this land of utter niceness .... everyone here is nice to the point where you think something MUST be wrong ... the cabbies don't speed and give way to pedestrians .... no one crosses the road when they shouldn't ... and everyone goes out of their way to help you ... they apologise if they knock into you ... and everyone smiles - all the time .... they are all so nice - it can't be natural .... either that or there's something to that maple syrup ....
Sunday was spent preparing for a week at the AIDS conference .... mimosa brunch .... shopping for shoes and bags (BCBG dahling) ... and then many yummy martinis on sunshine-y patios .... yes - its a hard life this saving the world lark ..... so its obviously vital to have fabulous accessories as one does it ....